/-------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Beyond Compare Version History | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | 30Mar01 V1.9e: ENHANCEMENTS -- Widen progress dialog for file | | operations. Increase capacity of report printing. Add | | Comparison Info button to toolbar. Add /filedisplay | | command line switch. | | BEYOND32.INI SETTINGS -- Use "StandardCRC=1" switch in | | [Directory Window] to use better CRC formula and output | | as hex. Use "ODIN=1" in [Directory Window] to improve | | running under the ODIN Windows emulator. | | BUG FIXES -- Fix bug concerning /*slash star*/ comments.| | Fix bug concerning closing File Viewer during line edit.| | Fix "Cannot change visible" error message when accessing| | plug-ins from command line. | | | | 31Jan01 V1.9d+: BUG FIX -- v1.9c had introduced bug concerning | | the File Viewer's minimize function. | | | | 28Jan01 V1.9d: BUG FIX -- v1.9c had introduced bug concerning | | "Open With" menu items. | | BEYOND32.INI SETTINGS -- Add "BWAccents=1" switch in | | [Directory Window] to print using bold instead of red, | | and italics instead of blue. | | | | 25Jan01 V1.9c: ENHANCEMENTS -- Add "Copy to Multiple Targets" | | feature. Support OEM character set in File Viewer. Add| | Close All to File Viewer menu. Add Touch button to | | toolbar. When producing snapshot, give warning but do | | not fail on system files such as swap file. Add | | /rightreadonly and /rules command line switches. | | Expand /leftreadonly and /rightreadonly switches to | | suppress certain operations. Recognize filename | | extensions such as .DFM_Version_xxx as Delphi form | | files. Support saving changes made to the empty side of| | a file comparison. | | BEYOND32.INI SETTINGS -- Add "AvoidStream=1" switch in | | [Viewer Window] to compare huge files under Win95/98. | | BUG FIXES -- Fix bug that prevented FileComparisonReport| | from command line. Fix bug in DifByCol=1 handling. | | Fix whole word matching bug in Viewer's Find function. | | Fix folder browsing when path ends with slash. Fix bug | | concerning the MultiLineComments option. Fix bug | | concerning comments and trailing whitespace as minor | | differences. Fix coloration bug in File Differences | | Report concerning truncated lines. | | | | 15Feb00 V1.9b: OUTPUT IMPROVEMENTS -- All new Directory | | Comparison report and File Differences report handling. | | Three new report styles. All reports can be saved in | | HTML with color cues. Replace /difrep command line | | switch with more flexible /out switch. | | FILE COMPARE IMPROVEMENTS -- Add ability to ignore | | differences in first "x" lines of files. Add Select All| | command to File Viewer. Recognize Windows Menu key in | | file viewer. Change Line Details default to "enabled". | | Retain "current line" after Insert operation. | | OTHER IMPROVEMENTS: Additional keyboard shortcuts: | | Ctrl+Q Quick Compare and Ctrl+T Touch. Add F1 support | | to the compare windows. Suppress confirmation when | | deleting readonly files with /dor /dol command line | | switches. Option to strip rich-text formatting out of | | certain file types (by adding "StripRTF=rtf abc def" to | | [Directory Window] section of Beyond32.ini). Option to | | handle multi-line comments during Content Comparison (by| | adding "MultiLineComments=1" to [Directory Window] | | section of Beyond32.ini). Ignore underscore vs period | | differences in filenames by adding "UnderscoreDot=1" to | | [Directory Window] section of Beyond32.ini. Extend | | evaluation period to days of actual use rather than | | elapsed days. Allow readonly Beyond32.ini file. | | Improve Toolbar Configuration dialog. Use startup | | current directory (rather than program folder) as | | default path for report output. Refresh timestamp on | | source file after copy. | | BUG FIXES -- Fix "Limit Comparison to Certain Columns" | | (broken in 1.9a). Fix "Go To Line #" (broken in 1.9a). | | Fix bug concerning loss of maximized state in viewer. | | Fix bug with backup naming style abc.txt -> ~abc.txt. | | Use program folder explicitly for help file. Try to | | solve reported "Stay On Top" problem. | | | | 09Jan00 V1.9a: DIRECTORY COMPARE IMPROVEMENTS -- New Move and | | Modify Readonly commands. Rename function now supports | | renaming both sides, folders. File Differences Report | | can be run from main window on multiple files. Display | | folder timestamps. Add alternate backup naming schemes.| | New option for case sensitive filenames. New keyboard | | shortcuts, including Ctrl+R and Ctrl+L for Copy Right, | | Copy Left commands. Extend Older Than Cutoff feature to| | support Newer Than option, as well as Today, and This | | Week buttons. Allow touching readonly files (after | | confirmation). Sort session choices alphabetically by | | default (override using SortSessions=0 in Beyond32.ini).| | Support MRU size other than 9 by adding MRU=x to | | Beyond32.ini. Change font selection on all forms to | | explicitly use Windows' "default GUI font", and use same| | font as Explorer in directory window by default. | | FILE COMPARE IMPROVEMENTS -- New Insert Left/Right | | feature. New line details option, supporting line | | editing. New line numbers option. New bookmark | | feature. New Remove Readonly command. Support | | comparison of clipboard contents. You can now drop | | files on the main window and the File Viewer will open | | to compare them. Add Whole Word Only option to Find | | Text. Add Just Selected Block option to File | | Differences report. Support Ctrl+DblClick to add a | | mismatched section to current selection. Disable | | Next/Prev buttons rather than message "difference not | | found". If external app modifies both files, only | | prompt once for reload. Option to consider text outside| | column limits as "minor differences" (SoftColRange=1). | | Option to display differences by column in viewer | | (DiffByCol=1). | | COMMAND LINE OPERATIONS -- Add new switches: | | /readonly | | /filter= | | /display=mismatches | | /display=matches | | /display=doubles | | /display=mismatchdoubles | | /display=singles | | /display=older | | /display=newer | | /configpath= (override location of .ini file) | | /configpath=exepath | | On command line, support comparing file with folder | | (automatically fill in filename). Suppress "Path not | | found" error on unattended sync operations, when session| | exists but base path doesn't. | | MISC IMPROVEMENTS, BUG FIXES -- Recognize Win2000. Use | | radio buttons rather than check marks in menus where | | appropriate. Fix bug that limited session definitions | | to 255 characters. Fixed problems displaying file and | | path names containing "&". Fix path handling problem | | concerning multibyte (Japanese) filenames. Fix display | | of total bytes when selected files exceed 2GB. Fix | | problem with File Viewer's Open With command causing | | viewer window to reposition incorrectly. Fix painting | | of Legend prompt for large fonts. Fix bottom margin in | | Quick Compare printout. Modify button icon that was | | causing ATI Rage video driver to crash WinNT. Improve | | option to suppress "Files match/do not match" dialog. | | Speed up switching sessions, particularily when leaving | | large folder comparison. Added ConfigPath option to | | Beyond32.net. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | 16May99 V1.8d: BUG FIXES -- Fixed "Text Within Apostrophes" | | option. In file viewer, fixed clearing of multi-line | | selection during right-click. Fixed bug which caused a | | fault when copying entire folder and overwriting files. | | Fixed bug concerning trailing backslash in command line | | paths. Fixed memory leak and speed up content | | comparison with "Use Text-Based Content Comparison" | | enabled. | | ENHANCEMENTS -- Added "Problems Encountered, Continue?" | | dialog to delete operations. Change default on "Show | | Hidden/System Files" to true. Change default on color | | printing in reports to false. | | | | 11Apr99 V1.8c: BUG FIXES -- Fixed bug concerning passing root | | directories to BC. In file viewer, fixed wheelmouse | | scrolling problem introduced in v1.8b. Fixed bug in | | color printing of Directory Comparison report. Fixed | | copying of readonly files so that hidden or system | | attributes aren't lost. In Setup program, fix folder | | selection. | | ENHANCEMENTS -- Confirm changing option to ignore file | | extensions. Add "Ignore 1 hour differences" option to | | folder comparison criteria. | | | | 05Apr99 V1.8b: BUG FIXES -- Fixed bug that caused error when | | drag and dropping network files to BC. Fix legend's | | Matching color (when not black). Discontinue use of | | "Clear" brush in display, due to problem with Matrox | | video driver. Fix "list index out of bounds" when | | clicking on thumnail and viewer is empty. In Copy to | | Folder, support copying files in (open) subfolders, and | | prompt before overwriting files. Eliminate color cues | | when saving Directory Comparison report to file. Fixed | | possible cause of occasional "divide by zero" error in | | one-sided compares. | | ENHANCEMENTS -- Text-based Content Comparison now | | respects Minor Difference definitions by default (can be| | disabled by adding RulesQC=0 to [Directory Window] | | section of Beyond32.ini.) Added 'Text Within | | Apostrophes' to Minor Difference options. Optionally | | retain the order of sessions, rather than moving current| | session to top of list (by adding RetainSessionOrder=1 | | to [Directory Window] section of Beyond32.ini). Do not | | abort copy operation if single copy fails. In report | | dialogs, show current display filter in effect. In Save| | dialogs, fill in appropriate "Save as type" fields, and | | switch report output from .prn to .txt. | | | | 15Mar99 V1.8a: DIRECTORY COMPARE IMPROVEMENTS -- Copy to Folder| | function lets you copy selected files to a third folder.| | New Touch Files feature lets you set a specific | | timestamp on a group of files or copy timestamps from | | one side to the other. The directory compare "Link" | | feature has been renamed to "Compare To". It also | | supports a "Quick Compare To" option. The Quick Compare| | report now lists reasons for mismatched files. | | In the main window, pressing the first letter of a | | filename automatically starts the Find Filename feature.| | In the appearance options, you can select horizontal | | striping of the comparison display to enhance | | readability. The "Set as Base Folder" function changes | | both sides at once, unless they are the same folder on | | the same drive. During file copies, if user responds | | "no" to creating a subdirectory, BC won't ask again for | | that subdirectory. Change legend wording based on | | folder comparison criteria. Refresh directory display | | after Open With, or if file viewer detects date change. | | [Command Line Options] The following command line | | switches have been added: "/syncright" and "/syncleft" | | initiate unattended directory syncing. "/dor" and | | "/dol" delete orphaned files automatically. | | "/expandall" invokes the Expand All Subfolders feature. | | "/fileviewer" starts the built-in file viewer, skipping | | the main directory compare window. | | FILE VIEWER FEATURES -- A new "thumbnail" view | | summarizes differences in the files. The 32500 line | | limit has been eliminated. Added Just Matching filter | | to file viewer. Added support for EBCDIC in file | | viewer. If you setup an "open with" application to | | accept two files, then the file viewer will pass both | | files, and (if configured) both line numbers. | | New "Never Align Mismatches" option. | | GENERAL FEATURES -- Support color printing in reports. | | Optionally ignore CtrlZ (end-of-file) control code. | | Content comparisons (such as Quick Compare) can use the | | file viewer rules for ignoring minor differences, by | | editing Beyond32.ini and adding RulesQC=1 to the | | Directory Window section. | | BUG FIXES -- Added ShowOlder and ShowNewer to saved | | initial condition. Added protection against hangup when| | directory compare window overflows. Fixed Synchronize | | Left menu item. Fixed bug that caused StartCol to be | | ignored if StopCol = 0. Fixed "chunk error 2" fault on | | large files with mixed line termination. Fixed possible| | hang on startup when auto-expanding folders. Fixed | | overlap of filename and size in directory display. | | Eliminate occasional scientific notation for display of | | bytes used/free. Describe "older than cutoff" feature | | as "older than or same as". Fixed display of long | | filenames when dropping files on program icon. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | 30Aug98 V1.7c: Treat .dfm files as text files if Delphi form | | conversion fails. Fix automatic expansion of folders | | when returning to last session. Fix overflow bug in | | printing Differences Report. Keep progress dialogs from| | popping over foreground applications. | | | | 23Aug98 V1.7b: Add "Sync Right" and "Sync Left" commands. | | Make "create folder" and "copy readonly" confirmations | | optional. Rewrite "older than cutoff" feature to | | eliminate Y2K problems. Increase QuickCompare buffer | | from 2K to 16K. New plugins install at top of list. | | Fix session "save as" button for NT3.51. Set "initial | | conditions" when returning to last session. Fix bug in | | text sync algorithm concerning large "Initial minimum | | match" value with line weight = 1. Fix bug in text- | | based quick compare concerning flexible termination. | | | | 21Jun98 V1.7a: UNC support for selecting base folders (32-bit | | version). New session dialog allows typing paths in | | addition to browsing. Text comparison rules can be | | saved per session. Folder comparison criteria, able to | | ignore timestamps. Directory comparison can now be | | sorted by date, size or type. You can now set a folder | | in the directory compare window as a base folder. | | Added Rename function. Added "modify" to timezone | | adjustment menu. Optionally display archive attribute. | | Expand subfolders now applies to multiple folder | | selections. Refresh directory entry after return from | | OpenWith. Increase nested folder limit to 32 and handle| | overflow. Reduced buffer size for quick compares. | | Added editing buttons to viewer toolbar. Add difference| | count to viewer status window. New text synchronization| | algorithm with recursion. "Minor" text differences now | | include leading, trailing and embedded whitespace, | | comments and literal string exclusion. Viewer can | | visualize spaces and tabs. Recognize .~df files in | | addition to .dfm as Delphi form files. Add side-by-side| | option to differences report. Add "copy to clipboard" | | to viewer menu. In viewer, Ctrl+Left and Ctrl+Right now| | move by screenfuls. Difference Report respects "just | | major differences" setting. Interrupting sync now | | disables editing. Improved horizontal scrolling in file| | viewer. Fixed bug concerning dbl-clicking last line in | | file viewer. Convert to Delphi 3. Rewritten help file.| | Changed dialogs to use field-by-field help context. | | Ctrl+Tab now changes pages in tabbed option dialogs. | | Changed left/right arrow behavior in listboxes. Created| | spacebar shortcut for link function. Optional "flat" | | style toolbuttons. Add CharacterSet to font properties | | saved & restored. Network registration support. | | Comparison Info dialog. User-selectable report fonts. | | Add installed plugins to Open With menu. Menu items | | revised and made more consistent. Allow embedded CR+LF | | in Unix files. Support file extensions that are more | | than 3 characters. Make delete dialog's graphic | | clickable. Fixed bug concerning tabstop = 0. Fixed | | disk free space for local FAT32 drives > 2GB. Fixed bug| | concerning Difference Report for files with lines longer| | than 255 chars. Fixed drag/drop file comparison to | | recognize "text-based quick compare" option. In viewer,| | display characters in the $7F-$FF range. Support null | | file extensions in filters. Support various formats for| | date/time display, as set by Windows Control Panel. | | Added "Folder not available" warning to 32-bit version. | | Fix bug concerning right-click over empty listboxes. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | 09Feb98 V1.6c: Fixed bug with Find Filename dialog appearing | | instead of Just Compare Files dialog. | | | | 06Feb98 V1.6b: New "Find Filename" feature in the directory | | compare window quickly selects a file as you type a few | | letters of its name. "Clicked side" is now color | | highlighted in the headers instead of the subtle glyph. | | In the File Viewer, an Open File command has been added | | and the editing commands are now on the menu. Added | | "All" button to confirmation for creating new folder. | | Bug fixes: OpenWith did not work if only one external | | app defined. "Yes to all" did not function in Delete | | Readonly, and Delete Folder confirmations. Under WinNT4| | command line specifications relative to the current | | directory (such as ..) often did not work. In BEYOND16 | | command line specification of root directories did not | | work. Fixed Quick Report results dialog for large | | fonts. | | | | 25Jan98 V1.6a: TFolderMechanism abstracts folder implementation| | Create directory if necessary when copying files. Copy | | entire "closed" folder. Delete entire "closed" folder. | | DeleteLeft/DeleteRight dialog. "Yes to all" for | | deleting r/o files. "No to all" for skipping older | | files. Drag-n-drop support. Adjust for time zone | | differences. Split lines on embedded secondary line | | terminators. Add Ctrl-Enter for "Expand from here". | | Show full path to selected file. Add "ClickedSide" | | indicator to headers. Shift-Arrow switches ClickedSide.| | Enable special Win95 context menu key for listboxes. | | Edit "older than" by clicking over legend. Improve | | comparing files from command prompt. Open With now | | supports pairs of files. Support null file extensions | | in Plugin associations. Fix viewer positioning after | | sync-it-yourself, toggling "just differences", and | | saving files. Fix "list index out of bounds". Add | | splitter to file viewer. Handle write errors when | | saving files from viewer. Avoid collapsing folders | | after editing file. Improve efficiency of 2 second | | tolerance checking. Allow opening system folders in | | "Select Base Folders". Improved mechanism for path | | cues. Add output options to Folder Compare report. | | Support 24-hour time format. Use MinimizeName in the | | JustFiles dialog. Collape "open with" menu if only one | | item. Move registration analysis out of main window. | | Fix bug in BC16 re returning to comparison with A:\. | | Fix Hidden Directory bug in BC16 (FileCtrl module). Fix| | the Directory Compare report heading for long filters. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | For versions 1.0 through 1.5, see the file "VERS15.TXT". | \-------------------------------------------------------------------/